Úspešne som ukončil magisterské štúdium na ISMke v Prešove a rád by som odporučil štúdium. Prístup profesorov a zamestnancov je perfektný, ústretový a škola poskytuje mnoho ďalších možností ako Erasmus+ (bol som v Nemecku a v Prahe rok vďaka ISM), takisto možnosť pracovnej stáže po štúdiu a to je len zlomok možností, ktoré škola ponúka.
College of International Business ISM Slovakia
College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov is a private non-university college. The mission of the college is to develop a harmonious personality, knowledge, wisdom, goodness and creativity in humans, to develop knowledge based on creative research in the fields of economics, economics and social sciences and to contribute to the development of education, science, culture and health for the welfare of the whole society.

Why study at ISM Slovakia?
References successful students
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