Why to Study This Study Programme? Because It Is:
This programme is based on current needs of practice and responds to the latest trends in the European Union and in the world’s advanced economies in the need to educate professionals in the field of applied Ethics in the economy.
The first and until now the unique study programme in Slovakia which follows the need for balancing the Slovak Republic with the developed countries of the European Union in the field of informal market regulation according to the principles of economic and business ethics.
Teaching is provided by qualified teachers, as well as, experts from practice from both domestic and external environment.
The study programmme, in its specific part conceptually, as well as, in the cases of several taught disciplines, is mainly based on the knowledge of collaboration with practice. The concept focuses on the optimal student profiling in accordance with the latest trends in the field of applied ethics to the requirements of the professional community and the specific needs of the practice.
Present brings to the fore the principles of ethical behaviour and freedom as the basic postulates of the modern world at home and abroad. Relevant courses can be found for example in Austria, Germany, Holland, USA and Japan.
- Ability to continue in the second grade of higher education,
- Specialist in the field of Applied Ethics
- Member of the lower and middle management in the field of implementation and compliance of codes of ethics in domestic and international trade,
- Specialised worker in the field of ethics in the civil service and public administration
- Specialised consultant in the field of human and civil rights.